


Yangan State School provides quality learning as directed by the Australian Curriculum. There is a strong focus on academic, social, emotional and physical development.

We provide quality educational opportunities for our students to become highly motivated competent learners. Individual responsibility in learning is actively fostered which assists in developing lifelong learning.

Curriculum organisation 

The classes at Yangan State School are composite/multi-age groupings. Our curriculum focus is on, and continues to emphasise, improving Literacy outcomes for all our students via targeted programs and explicit teaching episodes. The weekly teaching and learning programs developed for each class is structured around teaching in specific Literacy blocks, Numeracy blocks and other learning area time with an explicit focus on . 

We facilitate learning opportunities, adopted from the Australian Curriculum to form the basis of our curriculum intent: 

  • Australian Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, HASS, The Arts, HPE, Languages. Teachers are adapting Prep-Year 6 Curriculum into Classrooms [C2C] recources (assessment and unit plans) to tailor teaching and learning to all learners.

Other school programs include school choir, student council, student buddy program, student leadership program, interschool sport and an outdoor education program.

How technology is used to assist learning

students using technologyAt Yangan State School, information and communication technologies have a very strong emphasis throughout the school. They are used extensively as an integrating tool that enhances the learning process. Teachers explicitly plan to support students to research, investigate, design, create, evaluate and communicate using contemporary technology resources and devices. Digital cameras, iPads and interactive whiteboards are some of the technology peripherals that continually enhance the learning experiences.

Support structures

A number of processes and structures exist in the school to support student needs.

A student services meeting consisting of all classroom teachers, the Principal and the Support Teacher Literacy & Numeracy, convenes every term and on an as needed basis. The school is flexible in its approach to meeting the needs of our students; and utilises multi-age teaching and special groups, which are negotiated between staff.

Our school also accesses the services of guidance and advisory teachers as required. Our Support Teacher Literacy & Numeracy and Principal  specifically work with teachers to support students requiring additional support in reading. The teacher’s expertise is also available to parents to support their child.

Students who excel or have the potential to excel in general or specific areas are catered for with a number of initiatives.


Interschool sport is sometimes arranged in Terms 1 and 4 with schools in the Southern Downs Cluster, for students in Years 4, 5, 6. Sports include T-Ball, Softball, Cricket, Soccer, Netball and Rugby League.

Two major athletics carnivals are held each year. The children attend the Tannymorel and Districts Sports Association Carnival and the Warwick and Districts Small Schools Sports Association Carnival.

Active participation of all students is encouraged.

Co-curricular activities

  • School Choir
  • Bronco's Cup Football, Soccer, Netball
  • Tennis tournament
  • Leadership program
  • Student Council
Last reviewed 28 August 2024
Last updated 28 August 2024